Rome’s “Welcome” to Homosexuals
In early October, a draft of a Vatican synod report on family life spoke of “welcoming [homosexuals] . . . [...]
Sharia Law and Muslim Morality
To people raised in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the punishments called for in Sharia law are shocking. And even more shocking [...]
Feminism and Sharia Law
The last group one would expect to be helping advance Sharia (Islamic) law is feminists, and yet they are doing [...]
Adjusting Our Expectations
There is an old saying, “Blessed are those who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed.” Whether it was [...]
Understanding Obama and Ourselves
Why is President Obama so intent on changing America? And why have so many Americans supported the policies and programs [...]
Gadgets and Grace
If God attempts to communicate with Americans or other westerners these days, chances are He’ll get a busy signal. Our [...]
A Christian View of Self
“That I feed the hungry, that I forgive an insult, that I love my enemy in the name of Christ—all [...]
The Decline of Thinking
An interesting observation about the prevalence of inconsistencies and contradictions is making the email rounds. “Food for Thought” by someone named [...]
Albert Einstein and Socialism
Someone recently sent me an article noting Albert Einstein’s favorable view of Socialism. Knowing that I have been critical of [...]
Lessons from The Ferguson Case
The tragic events in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014 illustrate clearly how belief shapes people’s judgments and reactions. The initial [...]
Scandal and Inspiration
Some stories are scandalous, others inspirational, but seldom does the same story merit both adjectives. “The Lavish Homes of American [...]
Politics and the Pulpit
The question of whether politics should have a place in the pulpit has been with us for decades. At times [...]
What Happened to Catholicism?
Catholics old enough to remember how different the Church was fifty or so years ago often wonder what happened to [...]
Catholic Bishops and Immigration
In June, 2014, speaking for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Bishop Mark Seitz testified before the House Judiciary [...]
Christians and Karma
Christians are not noted for learning from people of different faiths. In fact, many Christians seem to believe that even [...]
The Cognitive Dysfunction Epidemic
Have you ever seen an ad for Cognitive Dysfunction (CD) like the ubiquitous Erectile Dysfunction (ED) ads? It might feature [...]
“American Exceptionalism”
I am troubled by the term “American exceptionalism.” Those who know me will find this odd because I love my [...]
The Real Media Scandal
I have often mentioned an important news story to dedicated news watchers, only to have them respond, “I didn’t know [...]
Refusing to Listen Can Be Costly
When little children don’t want to hear what they are being told, they put their hands over their ears and [...]
Critical Thinking and Common Core
The designers of Common Core claim that critical thinking is an important part of the program. As someone who has [...]
Flirting with Fascism
America has undergone a dramatic cultural shift in the short space of a half-century. The 1960s celebrated freedom from the [...]
Hillary Doubles Down on Benghazi
Hillary Clinton has resurrected the Benghazi issue in a forthcoming book, a chapter of which has been leaked to the [...]
Obama’s Perplexing Behavior
Did President Obama really say, “ I will not stand for this outrage” and then proceed to sit down? Well, [...]
In Praise of Pharmaphobia
I appreciate the value of prescription medicines as much as anyone. When I was ten years old, the then-new wonder [...]
Raising Workplace Morale
I entered the newly designed express lane at the grocery store, said “Hi” to the cashier, and then realized I [...]
Author Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Since retiring from teaching, I have continued my work in promoting sound thinking in education and in the general culture. More specifically, I have kept refining my textbooks, four of which have been continuously in print for an average of 33 years. I have also continued to write books for the general public, the latest of which is Corrupted Culture: Rediscovering America’s Enduring Principles, Values, and Common Sense, and I write a weekly column for an online journal.