Reaffirming the Story of Salvation
The Nicene Creed summarizes Catholic teaching about Jesus in these words: “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only [...]
A Valuable Insight on Immigration
Sometimes insights come in unexpected ways and from unlikely sources. One such insight recently came from Nayib Bukele, President of [...]
Goodbye Logic, R.I.P.
Logic may be defined as a system of thinking that produces reasonable decisions and judgments about problems and issues large [...]
A Perfect Theological Storm
A Perfect Storm is defined as “a critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of [movements].” A Perfect [...]
The Burden of Ideas
It is fashionable to believe that ideas are quiet, ethereal things that can do no harm. “What others think won’t [...]
A Jesuit Magazine’s Disrespect of the Dead
The death of Rush Limbaugh on February 17, 2021 was reported around the world. The headlines in mainstream publications were [...]
The Historic Problem of Race in America
Frederick Douglass White people’s awareness of the evil of slavery has for decades taken the form of developing [...]
Overanalyzing Kindness
Since the election many of my liberal friends seem to have overcome their compulsion to lecture me on what a horrible [...]
Orwell’s Prophetic Novel, 1984
George Orwell In 1949 George Orwell published a tale of a totalitarian country in which self-appointed elites gained [...]
Understanding the Division Over Trump
Why does one half the country deplore Donald Trump while the other half esteems him? As one who began on [...]
American Culture’s Unholy Trinity
Gilbert Keith Chesterton Gilbert Keith Chesterton was a profound thinker and his arguments were rooted in common sense. [...]
No Vaccine for Trump Derangement Syndrome
Three years before the plague known as Covid19 began, another plague infected millions of Americans. Known as Trump Derangement Syndrome [...]
The Devil Was in the Election Details
The scene is a college gymnasium. The visiting team is ahead by ten points with three seconds to play. The home [...]
Jesuit Pontificating on the Election
Each member of the Society of Jesus completes between eight and seventeen years of advanced education. Not surprisingly, Jesuits were [...]
Why Catholics Venerate Mary
At this time of year, every Christian’s thoughts turn to the beginning of what is known as “The Greatest Story [...]
The Victims of Hatred
I recently examined the source of the hatred that has metastasized in America in recent years, and I found it [...]
The Source Of Americans’ Hatred
Why is there so much hatred in America today? The main cause, I submit, is that the communications media have [...]
Pope Francis’ Message to a Struggling World
Pope Francis’ new book, Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, was published on December 1, 2020. The publisher [...]
Was there Fraud in the Election or Not?
An idea that is highly credible today may be questionable tomorrow and not credible at all the next day, as [...]
The Root Cause of Our Division
There is a lot of talk these days about ending the division in the United States. People on both sides [...]
Canonizing Joe Biden
Canonizing Joe Biden? I know my Republican friends will think this is a misprint. A week or so ago I [...]
Anatomy of a Bizarre Election
The 2020 election results won't be final until the ballot challenges and court cases are decided, and the process could [...]
Pope Francis and Same-Sex Unions
Background Note: I recently explained how popes have strived to preserve doctrinal continuity by supporting their predecessors’ pronouncements. I noted, as well, [...]
Pope Francis’ Curious Encyclical, Part 2
Summary of Part 1: In Rerum Novarum (1891) Pope Leo XIII wrote: “The first and most fundamental principle . . . if [...]
Pope Francis’ Curious Encyclical
Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti (Brothers All) offers an odd combination of timely and profound insights, flawed judgment, and an [...]
Author Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Since retiring from teaching, I have continued my work in promoting sound thinking in education and in the general culture. More specifically, I have kept refining my textbooks, four of which have been continuously in print for an average of 33 years. I have also continued to write books for the general public, the latest of which is Corrupted Culture: Rediscovering America’s Enduring Principles, Values, and Common Sense, and I write a weekly column for an online journal.