On Reading and Listening, Part 2
The first part of this essay noted the reading and listening deficit in America and identified its causes as the [...]
On Reading and Listening
Sir Francis Bacon In a recent essay I chastised the [...]
The Florida Bishops on Abortion and Contraception
On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, January 22, 2019, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops published a pastoral letter [...]
Why Is Socialism So Popular?
Socialism has been the rage among intellectual elites for a long time. What was different in 2016 was that it [...]
From “Bronx Cheer” to Rousing “Bravo”
The “Bronx cheer,” as every New Yorker knows, is made by placing the tongue between the lips and blowing in [...]
“My Truth,” “Your Truth,” THE Truth
For millennia, people naturally, almost instinctively, understood that truth is objective rather than subjective. In other words, truth is what [...]
The Sad Legacy of the Self-Esteem Movement
It has been almost sixty years since the Gospel of Self-Esteem was first preached in America and quickly planted in [...]
The Relationship Between Theology and Logic
In modern Catholicism, the term “theology” is often linked to Church doctrine, much of which is regarded as definitive, and [...]
Understanding Democrats’ Loyalty
The loyalty of Democrats to their party is both fascinating and puzzling. Their elected officials can allow cities to sink [...]
Things That Puzzle Me
The standard way of entering the New Year is with a list of resolutions we intend to keep but end [...]
Meditating on the Nativity
In 1223 in the Italian town of Grecio, the crèche was first displayed by the man who, it is said, [...]
The Sex Scandal Is Only Partly Solved
In the minds of many, including Catholic leaders, the Church’s sex scandal is a closed matter. They reason that the [...]
Don’t Retain these Professors
During the soap opera drama that surrounded the Kavanaugh Senate hearing, one important news item received considerably less attention than [...]
Echoes from the Garden
Original Sin as depicted by Brueghel and Rubens The comedian Red Skelton created a character [...]
Celebrating Thanksgiving
Special days of thanksgiving existed in earlier cultures, including Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and ancient Jewish, yet we Americans are more [...]
Rediscovering Humility
In a recent essay I traced the problem of divisiveness in modern America to our culture’s overemphasis on SELF—notably self-esteem and [...]
The Roots of Divisiveness
Divisiveness means “tending to cause disagreement or dissension.” The word is interesting because it illustrates the very condition it describes—people [...]
Catholic Responses to the Abuse Scandal
I recently attended a lay forum at a local Catholic parish and found what one might expect—a mixture of heartache, [...]
Democrats’ Contempt for American Values
Thucydides Democrat officials’ opposition to Donald Trump originated during the Republican primary in dislike of his rude verbal [...]
Making Sense of Ford v Kavanaugh
The September 27th testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh was exhausting not only for the two of them but [...]
The Kavanaugh Affair as IQ Test
Even the worst situation can produce at least a little good. The early remarks of prominent Democrat politicians following Christine [...]
Abortion: the Democrats’ Sacrament
To call abortion a recurring Democratic platform plank would be reasonable, but to call it a sacrament? That is surely [...]
The Rising Popularity of Socialism, Part 2
Part 1 noted the recent resurgence of socialism in America, examined the philosophy and goals of its main advocate—The Democratic [...]
Celibacy, Sexual Abuse, and the Denigration of Women
Original Sin as depicted by Brueghel and Rubens In a recent essay I noted that, while allegedly [...]
Abusers, Enablers, and Jesus, Part 2
The two greatest Catholic sins of our time are the disgusting sexual abuse of our young people by priests and [...]
Author Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Since retiring from teaching, I have continued my work in promoting sound thinking in education and in the general culture. More specifically, I have kept refining my textbooks, four of which have been continuously in print for an average of 33 years. I have also continued to write books for the general public, the latest of which is Corrupted Culture: Rediscovering America’s Enduring Principles, Values, and Common Sense, and I write a weekly column for an online journal.