Good Habits for Efficiency
This essay is the third in the series "Good Habits." The discussion is based on my book of the same [...]
This essay is the third in the series "Good Habits." The discussion is based on my book of the same [...]
Rodin's The Thinker The Bible tells us that God created humans in his "image and likeness." What does [...]
In Part 1 I argued that the Catholic Church desperately needs to renew its historic teachings, and the Bishops and [...]
Recently, as I was browsing through my bookshelves, I came across a little book I had bought in Singapore in [...]
An idea prompts an action, which in turn suggests another idea, which leads to yet another action, and so on. [...]
Socrates Part 1 discussed the error of believing that truth is within us so we don’t need to [...]
A discussion of truth may seem too academic to have any practical value, but it really isn’t. In fact, our [...]
I was driving to Mass on a recent Sunday morning. There was one car ahead of me on the residential [...]