Wages, Capitalism, And Morality: Part II
(Note: Part I documented that the minimum wage harms the very people it is designed to help and the popular alternative—letting capitalism [...]
(Note: Part I documented that the minimum wage harms the very people it is designed to help and the popular alternative—letting capitalism [...]
It is commonly believed that fairness demands a certain level of wage be guaranteed to all workers. That is the [...]
For some time now politicians of both parties have been talking about ways to get America’s fiscal house in order. [...]
If a rowboat springs a leak and is fast filling with water, the first step is to stop the leak. [...]
“Workers must leave their minds at the factory gate.” That requirement originated in the Industrial Revolution and became firmly established [...]
Murphy’s law states that if anything can possibly go wrong, it probably will. A cynical view, to be sure, but [...]